Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pro-life Dems, where art thou?

I know that God is not a respecter of persons or political parties. I have voted Republican for most of my adult life because of their official position on abortion. However, I have grown increasingly disgusted with the Republican bias toward the wealthiest Americans and their cynical appeals to Christians. I am equally appalled by Christians automatically voting for supposedly pro-life candidates no matter what other positions they hold.

Abortion is a priority but it cannot be the ONLY priority. We must attack the problems that create a demand for abortion - and that doesn't just mean teaching abstinence to teenagers, people. It means accurate birth control info for marrieds AND singles. It also means we must fight poverty, judgmentalism, and domestic abuse. And we must proactively assist women with unexpected pregnancies. Republicans talk about those things but do little about them. They'd rather give tax cuts to CEOs. That's why I'd vote for a pro-life Democrat if they'd just run one.


Mike Wilhelm said...

Johnny...I agree basically with what you are saying. There is only one problem. The powers that be in the Democrat party will NEVER allow a pro life party member advance in anyway. I believe that the Democrats are more concerned with maintaining abortion on demand than most anything else that they have traditionally stood for. Another problem is that the Republicans are starting their descent down the same slippery slope.

Mike Wilhelm said...
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Sharp said...

Oh, I know it. Right now, they're also the party of freedom FROM religion. I'm just very frustrated and not sure where to turn these days.